• What is the return procedure?

You will get a one month warranty on all used parts. You can send an email to ljm116555@gmail.com or contact our online customer service for further processing within this month. We offer you a one year warranty on new after sale parts.

  • How much is the freight?

This will depend on the size and weight of the item you are buying. You can add the required parts to the shopping cart, then click on "Shopping Cart" and select your country from the list, fill in the zip code and city, and the system will automatically show you the available shipping options based on your information.

  • Delivery time?

We try to deliver the goods within 1 to 2 working days. When you select the shipping option at the time of ordering, the duration of shipping is estimated.

  • How do I book/order parts?

All of our orders are placed through our website, but if the part you want to purchase is not found on the website, you can contact our customer service to process the order for you

  • Why aren't the dimensions of the parts listed?

We chose to classify parts by vehicle type and year of manufacture. Dimensions are given only for those parts we consider necessary. If you want to know the size of a specific part, you can consult our customer service for you to inquire, our team will further help you. During peak seasons, it may take longer for us to provide you with measurements.

  • Is the part suitable for a different type/build year than indicated?

We will indicate in our online store which type/build year the part is suitable for.





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